29 July 2017
Family Market in one-day event, which will be a good tool to introduce Montessori Pedagogy and the Congress to the Czech public at large.
The market offers a rich programme for families. A wide range of didactic and Montessori materials will be on display and for sale. Parents can enjoy interesting presentations with emphasis on the role of the parent and family. Visitors can see a real Montessori environment where children are working with the materials, in the so-called Glass Classroom. The market will offer workshops for children, giving parents also the chance to have a chat and coffee with other parents.
The market and its programme will offer delightful opportunities to showcase products and services. It will be located on the ground floor of the Prague Congress Centre.
Family Market
Glass Classroom
List of Confirmed Exhibitors
Click here for list of Family Market Exhibitors including their logos and websites.
Mrs. Šárka Hanušová
Exhibitor Coordinator
E-mail: sarka@montessoricongress2017.org
Mob: + 420 606 191 213